Game Poem 41: Scavenger

This is a game for any number of people. To play, you must find and bring together the following items:

  • Two coins.
  • A recording device.
  • One or more business cards.
  • An incandescent light bulb.
  • At least three colors of fingernail polish.
  • An empty DVD case.
  • Several pieces of fruit.
  • Three postcards from other cities.
  • A screwdriver.
  • An empty eggshell.
  • Twelve buttons.
  • A dog collar.
  • A long strip of thick cloth of any color.
  • Two action figures or miniatures.
  • A small handful of sand.
  • A writing implement that is not a pen or a pencil for each player.
  • One person that none of the players knows.
  • An address book.
  • Three small bags, clear plastic or brown paper.

Once they have been collected, take all of these items to an outdoor location and play the game. Make an audio or video recording of your play, and post it in a public location.

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